
Tawâskweyâw ᑕᐋᐧᐢᑫᐧᔮᐤ A Path or Gap Among the Trees

A Touring Survey of Artworks by Jason Baerg


Painting is a sacred bundle that echoes through ancestral time, carry it responsibly and make a meaningful contribution to it.

The journey through twenty-five years of caring for drawing and painting have found innovative pathways through the conceptual and formal approaches of Cree Metis visual artist Jason Baerg. Grounded commitments to Drawing and Painting have been transformed, as time positioned an artistic practice into an expanding field of digital and material experimentation. As a first generation new media artist, Jason Baerg forged fearlessly towards unique ways to utilize emergent 2D, 3D, interactive, immersive and fabrication technologies. Conceptual themes of investigation have rigorously included: Community, Ritual, Urban Migration, Cree Cosmology, Native Relationality, Survivance, An Indigenized Anthropocene, Language Revitalization and Indigenous Futurisms. The dynamic ᑕᐋᐧᐢᑫᐧᔮᐤ / A Path or Gap Among the Trees exhibition charts key contributions Jason Baerg has made in the first 25 years of his artistic practice, which includes: interactive immersive generative media projection pieces and laser cut painting installations; both of which are some of the first produced and presented anywhere in the world.